[SciPy-User] Non-science BPP problem

John Obelenus jobelenus at gmail.com
Thu Feb 6 11:57:59 EST 2014

[Noob Trigger Warning]

Hey everyone, I'm your standard python programmer that realizes I have a
variation of a Bin Packing Problem on my hands. I turn to you for your help
in understanding how to use the wonders of your math packages to solve the
BPP. I saw that `openopt` has a simple and extended BPP solver, but I am
open for whatever python package is going to get the job done.

I realize this isn't your standard scipy user mailing, as I'm looking for
help just getting started on how to address/specify my problem so that the
package can solve it. I took a shot at the archives here but it seems
everyone else here is far past my level. If anyone has good introductory
resources that can get me from where I am now (understanding that I have a
Bin Packing Problem and generally how that works) to solving it
(specifically, how to use the packages and implement my data to the solver
to get a coherent answer) that would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your time
-A Humble Non-Science Programmer
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