[SciPy-User] Fwd: ANN: Vispy 0.3, high-performance visualization in Python

Cyrille Rossant cyrille.rossant at gmail.com
Sat Aug 30 09:51:23 EDT 2014


We are pleased to announce the release of Vispy version 0.3!

This release provides new graphics API (including a scene graph), a
basic OpenGL backend for matplotlib, and experimental integration in
the IPython notebook. Further, we have improved the existing modules
and added several application backends (e.g. wx and sdl2).

We are now focusing our efforts on:

* Consolidating the higher-level graphics APIs: visuals, transforms,
scene graph.
* Improving the performance of the scene graph, notably through batch
rendering (Collections system).
* Adding more features to the matplotlib backend.
* Improving the integration in the IPython notebook: better
performance, improved event loop integration, client-side backend with

Eventually, scientists with no knowledge of OpenGL will be able to
easily create fast and scalable interactive visualizations.

We will greatly appreciate any feedback, bug reports, and feature
requests. See http://vispy.org for downloads and more information.

The Vispy team

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