[SciPy-User] numpy array assignment

marco cammarata marcocamma at gmail.com
Thu Apr 17 10:59:59 EDT 2014


I have used many times syntax like

import numpy as np

def result_of_long_calculation_returning_the_right_shape():
  return np.random.random( (2,3) )

out = np.empty( (N,2,3) )
for i in range(N):
  out[i] = result_of_long_calculation_returning_the_right_shape()

if I have to loop trough the axis 1 I would do something like

out = np.empty( (2,N,3) )
for i in range(N):
  out[:,i,:] = result_of_long_calculation_returning_the_right_shape()

The problem is that - in the function I am writing - the number of 
dimensions and the axis to loop trough are not known in advance.

Is there a smart what to do it ?
I would expect that a function like np.assign(array,element=0,axis=0) that  
but I can't find such function.

For the moment I ended up doing something really really inelegant:
  res = result_of_long_calculation_returning_the_right_shape()
  s = "out[" + (":,")*axis + "i" + (",:")*(nDim-axis-1) + "]=res"

Thanks a lot in advance,

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