[SciPy-User] Thin out data

flambert franz_lambert_engel at yahoo.de
Fri Oct 25 02:40:07 EDT 2013


I've a little problem. With an industrial robot and a lasersensor I measure
an edge. That works good, but if the robot stands still I get a higher
measurement noise and a higher amount of "edge-points" in this sector. Here
two images:

In the image you can see that I try to insert an spline. But in the effected
sector the spline is very bumpy. The data amount in this area is much higher
then the data amount in the "normal" areas. Is there a good method to reduce
the amount of data. I think if I solve this my spline would be smoother. I
also tried to make the spline smoother by its own functions, but the result
is that the spline becomes smoother in the effected area but will be nearly
linear in the "normal" area.

Thanks and regards,

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