[SciPy-User] 1.8.0rc1

Charles R Harris charlesr.harris at gmail.com
Wed Oct 2 18:42:38 EDT 2013

On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 2:31 PM, Piet van Oostrum <piet at vanoostrum.org>wrote:

> Charles R Harris <charlesr.harris at gmail.com> writes:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > NumPy 1.8.0rc1 is up now on sourceforge .The binary builds are included
> except for Python 3.3 on
> > windows, which will arrive later. Many thanks to Ralf for the binaries,
> and to those who found and
> > fixed the bugs in the last beta. Any remaining bugs are all my fault ;)
> I hope this will be the
> > last release before final, so please test it thoroughly.
> I have installed 1.0.8rc1 on Python 3.3.2 on Mac OS X Snow Leopard
> (10.6.8) from the binary installer
> http://ufpr.dl.sourceforge.net/project/numpy/NumPy/1.8.0rc1/numpy-1.8.0rc1-py3.3-python.org-macosx10.6.dmgan the test fails with 20 errors. I have tried it also with installing from
> source but it also gives these erros (I haven't checked if the errors are
> the same bit for bit, but they were also 20). Here is the output of the
> test run.
I'd guess you have the wrong Fortran. IIRC, you have to get it somewhere
else than from Apple. Someone else here would know.

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