[SciPy-User] ANN: Pyzo 2013c - now based on conda!

Almar Klein almar.klein at gmail.com
Fri Nov 8 06:07:10 EST 2013

Hi all,

We are pleased to announce release version 2013c of the Pyzo scientific
Python distribution.

A very significant change is that Pyzo is now build on conda. This
significantly simplifies our build process, since we can profit from the
binary packages build by Continuum. We created a channel on binstar (
binstar.org/pyzo) where we upload a few missing or improved packages. For
example, we have packages for PySide on python3, as well as scikit-learn.

Package management is no much easier for Pyzo users. You can install new
packages from the IDE's shell using e.g. "conda install numba" or "pip
install vispy".

Further, we now have a 64bit version for Windows, and the OSX version is
now also 64bit.

Try it out at http://pyzo.og !

Happy coding,
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