[SciPy-User] Library for constrained (?) networks

julien brulé julien.brule at obspm.fr
Wed Nov 13 12:38:13 EST 2013

On 13/11/2013 14:47, Andrea Gavana wrote:
> Hi,

>     I'm currently investigating a problem, and my Google-fu is 
> completely failing me - possibly because I am not sure how these 
> problems are defined in the mathematical world.
> If you refer to the attached picture, I have a number of wells 
> attached to a platform, which can be in turn attached to another 
> platform, and all the platforms end into a node called "Field". It's 
> basically a network graph. These wells produce some fluids, and the 
> platforms (and the Field) may have a "maximum capacity" (indicated by 
> numbers in the picture) which may not be exceeded.
> What I am trying to do is to produce as much as possible from all the 
> wells while avoiding breaking the capacity constraints of the 
> platforms and the Field. My googling around suggested that I should 
> look for constraint satisfaction problems libraries, but I am unsure 
> which ones or if this is the correct approach or if there are better 
> strategies around. Or maybe I'm just completely missing something obvious.
> Thank you in advance for any suggestions.

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2517026/graph-theory-in-python ?

> Andrea.
> "Imagination Is The Only Weapon In The War Against Reality."
> http://www.infinity77.net
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