[SciPy-User] eigsh on sparse tridiagonal matrix: 2 orders of magnitude slower than Octave??

Pauli Virtanen pav at iki.fi
Wed Jan 2 14:08:57 EST 2013

02.01.2013 14:28, Chong Yidong kirjoitti:
> tic; v = eigs(H, 25, 'sm'); toc;

In octave, 'sm' has a different meaning --- it uses shift-invert with
sigma=0 rather than Arpack's small-eigenvalue finding:

    573   // Mode 1 for SM mode seems unstable for some reason.
    574   // Use Mode 3 instead, with sigma = 0.
    575   if (!error_state && !have_sigma && typ == "SM")
    576     have_sigma = true;

In general, answers to questions to "why does octave do XX" can be found
reading its source code.

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