[SciPy-User] setuptools messing with sdists using numpy.distutils and Fortran libraries

Juan Luis Cano juanlu001 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 26 10:36:52 EST 2013

On 12/25/2013 06:21 PM, josef.pktd at gmail.com wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 1:46 PM, Juan Luis Cano <juanlu001 at gmail.com 
> <mailto:juanlu001 at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     I'm trying to build a Python package using some Fortran libraries, and
>     started using also setuptools at a certain point because I wanted to
>     take advantage of "setup.py develop". However, despite being
>     stated that
>     one should just import setuptools before numpy.distutils imports:
>     http://mail.scipy.org/pipermail/numpy-discussion/2013-September/067784.html
>     I found that "setup.py sdist" works differently whether setuptools has
>     been imported or not - i.e. not the same files get excluded or
>     included.
>     In particular, I had problems with the .pyf files of a Fortran
>     library I
>     created, included using config.add_extension. Without setuptools it
>     works, and the .pyf files get included, but with setuptools they are
>     missing. This results in failed installations later on.
> I don't have much idea about including fortran.
> But did you try to include *.pyf in MANIFEST.in?
> That's in my experience often a source of missing or extra files being 
> included in the sdist or installed files
> Josef

I didn't, because I found it weird to specify these files in two 
different places (setup.py and MANIFEST.in). I just checked and it 
solves the issue. Good to know!

Juan Luis
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