[SciPy-User] setuptools messing with sdists using numpy.distutils and Fortran libraries

Thomas Kluyver takowl at gmail.com
Tue Dec 24 12:18:07 EST 2013

On 23 December 2013 18:46, Juan Luis Cano <juanlu001 at gmail.com> wrote:

> and started using also setuptools at a certain point because I wanted to
> take advantage of "setup.py develop".

For IPython, we actually went down the rabbit hole and added a 'symlink'
command which is like 'develop', but doesn't use setuptools. We'd found
that using 'develop' with Python 2 and 3 at the same time created conflicts
in the entry points, so we rewrote it to use simple launcher scripts. The
scripts are installed normally, only the package is symlinked into
site-packages. If you install after symlinking, though, it tries to install
into the source tree, so we now have an 'unsymlink' command as well.

The implementation is not supposed to be generic, but if anyone else wants
to take a look, the code is here:

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