[SciPy-User] Naming Ideas

The Helmbolds helmrp at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 3 22:14:56 EDT 2012

Names are extremely important.
To steal from Mark Twain, the difference between the best name and a poorer
name is the difference between the lightning and the lightning bug.
A good name captures
attention, stimulates interest, succinctly describes the thing named, and has a
positive connotation. Accordingly, time spent choosing a great name is well
worth it.
Now, SciPy is a perfectly
good name. It’s well-established and widely known and respected. I urge that it
be retained and used exactly the way
it is currently defined.
If there is a need for a
name that includes more than just SciPy, then I suggest we consider something
like the following:
MatSysPy, pronounced  "mat-sis-pie". Short for "mathematical
system for advanced, large-scale scientific, industrial, medical and
engineering computation and graphical display.” MatSysPy currently includes the
powerful and versatile NumPy, SciPy, and MatPlotLib modules. Their capabilities
are constantly being expanded and improved, and other modules may be added
later. These stand-alone modules are carefully designed to take full advantage
of Python’s popular programming and scripting language. This enables users to easily
invoke those module capabilities best suited to their challenging, large-scale computational
and graphical display tasks. As of this writing, a unified overall package providing
a fully integrated user interface to these module’s vast range of capabilities
is in the planning stage. [or "A unified overall package providing a fully
integrated user interface to these module’s vast range of capabilities is under
consideration.", whichever is most accurate].
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