[SciPy-User] New Scipy website

Thomas Kluyver takowl at gmail.com
Tue Nov 27 07:28:32 EST 2012

Thanks Paweł, I'll add that to the page.

Of those, I think only IPython and matplotlib fall short of the specified
minimum versions (0.13 and 1.1, respectively).

For IPython, I don't mind pointing users to pip, but I'd rather not go down
that route for matplotlib, because the user would have to start thinking
about build dependencies. I think matplotlib 1.0.1 should tide most users
over fine until they get an upgraded version.

Best wishes,

On 27 November 2012 12:10, Paweł Kwaśniewski <pawel.kw at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Thomas,
> I'm currently using Fedora 17 (x86_64), and here the set of packages
> listed on the scipy installation instructions site can be installed using
> the following command:
> > sudo yum install numpy scipy python-matplotlib ipython python-pandas
> sympy python-nose
> The versions available in the repositories can be viewed by running:
> > sudo yum info numpy scipy python-matplotlib ipython python-pandas sympy
> python-nose
> The above command will not install anything, just print the info. I attach
> the output of this command run today. I hope this helps.
> As for myself, I prefer to use the pip installer, since the repository
> versions seem to have quite a lag in Fedora. This could also be listed as a
> way to install different python packages, as it's quite simple:
> > sudo pip install <package_name>
> Cheers,
> Paweł
> 2012/11/26 Thomas Kluyver <takowl at gmail.com>
>>  I'd like to discuss how we can move the new SciPy website (currently at
>> http://scipy.github.com/ ) to be the homepage of scipy.org.
>> The new site is still something of a work in progress, but it's been
>> there for years, and we can't continue to maintain two sites indefinitely.
>> We've already been bitten by people referring to out of date FAQs, and I
>> think the aesthetics of the new site are a marked improvement. So, first,
>> what does the new site need before it can go live?*
>> *Two things I'm already aware of:
>> - Installation instructions for other package managers (so far we cover
>> apt and macports). Please can users of other Linux distros send me the
>> corresponding installation commands?
>> http://scipy.github.com/install.html
>> - The 'Getting started' page should be rewritten to describe the Scipy
>> stack, and from a more newcomer-ish perspective.
>> Of course, there's a lot of useful information on the existing site -
>> such as the Cookbook - that it's impractical to move to the new site. So, I
>> suggest that we move the current MoinMoin-based site to wiki.scipy.org,
>> and provide redirects so we don't break existing links. Unfortunately,
>> Github pages can't do proper HTTP-based redirects. So we can either use
>> hackish HTML/JS redirects, or host the new site on a server where we can
>> set up proper redirects.
>> Thanks,
>> Thomas
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