[SciPy-User] New Scipy website

Thomas Kluyver takowl at gmail.com
Mon Nov 26 09:14:39 EST 2012

I'd like to discuss how we can move the new SciPy website (currently at
http://scipy.github.com/ ) to be the homepage of scipy.org.

The new site is still something of a work in progress, but it's been there
for years, and we can't continue to maintain two sites indefinitely. We've
already been bitten by people referring to out of date FAQs, and I think
the aesthetics of the new site are a marked improvement. So, first, what
does the new site need before it can go live?*

*Two things I'm already aware of:

- Installation instructions for other package managers (so far we cover apt
and macports). Please can users of other Linux distros send me the
corresponding installation commands?

- The 'Getting started' page should be rewritten to describe the Scipy
stack, and from a more newcomer-ish perspective.

Of course, there's a lot of useful information on the existing site - such
as the Cookbook - that it's impractical to move to the new site. So, I
suggest that we move the current MoinMoin-based site to wiki.scipy.org, and
provide redirects so we don't break existing links. Unfortunately, Github
pages can't do proper HTTP-based redirects. So we can either use hackish
HTML/JS redirects, or host the new site on a server where we can set up
proper redirects.

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