[SciPy-User] OSX, Python 3.2.2 and NumPy/SciPy

Chris Weisiger cweisiger at msg.ucsf.edu
Mon Mar 26 11:59:52 EDT 2012

On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 3:24 PM, Ralf Gommers
<ralf.gommers at googlemail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 12:28 PM, Chris Share <cpsmusic at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm new to Python however I have a reasonable amount of programming
>> experience (C/C++).
>> I'm currently working on OSX (10.6.8) and I've installed Python 3.2.2. OSX
>> also comes with Python 2.6.6.
>> I'm interested in scientific computing so I'd like to install Numpy/SciPy.
>> I've managed to do this for the 2.6.6 version of Python however I'm unclear
>> as to how I do this for the 3.2.2 version.

If you aren't interested in compiling Numpy/Scipy yourself, you might
also consider installing Python 2.7 and using the binary installers
for Numpy/Scipy. Support for Python 3.x is still rather spotty despite
it having been out for quite some time now.

I wouldn't recommend installing anything using the system Python.
Usually it works well, but you don't want to end up accidentally
overwriting something the system is relying on, and if you ever find
yourself wanting to make a standalone program with a bundled Python
interpreter, you don't have the rights to distribute the system
Python. Libraries like py2app for making standalone Python programs
will refuse to bundle the system Python for that reason. Easier to
just install another Python and then install all your libraries onto


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