[SciPy-User] ier-integer in optimize.leastsq

Philip_Bransford at vrtx.com Philip_Bransford at vrtx.com
Mon Mar 26 09:54:03 EDT 2012

1.49012e-08 = numpy.sqrt(numpy.finfo(float).eps)

From:   "Johannes Radinger" <JRadinger at gmx.at>
To:     scipy-user at scipy.org
Date:   03/26/2012 06:11 AM
Subject:        [SciPy-User] ier-integer in optimize.leastsq
Sent by:        scipy-user-bounces at scipy.org


Some months ago I started already this topic,... Now, while writing my
manuskript this topic comes up again. I am using the optimize.leastsq 
and would like to describe my results especielly the "ier-level".

If ier in my result is 1, then the solution which was found ensures a 
ftol-"quality", resp. the sum of squares for the relative errors are below 
the ftol value?
As I didn't set any ftol value, the default value is used. Therefore, in 
the case of optimization
results with ier=1, is it possible to state:

"For all fitted solutions the relative errors in the sum of squares are 
below the desired standard value of 1.49012e-08" ???

Where does this standard value come from?

Best regards,

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