[SciPy-User] Contributing to SciPy was Re: Least-squares fittings with bounds: why is scipy not up to the task?

Kevin Dunn kgdunn at gmail.com
Mon Mar 12 23:11:22 EDT 2012

On Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 08:39, Pauli Virtanen <pav at iki.fi> wrote:
> 11.03.2012 12:31, Sebastian Haase kirjoitti:
> [clip]
>> How does SciPy central compare to the cookbook ?  It sound's like I
>> was kind-of meant to supersede it ... ?
> The aim of the Scipy Central is more or less to supersede the Cookbook
> and the Topical Software wiki pages with something more friendly.
> I believe constructive suggestions on how to improve it would be welcome.
>> FWIW, I didn't know (or must have forgotten) about scipy central - and
>> a google search also did NOT really help !!! Only the 5th hit was
>> "User profile: SciPy Central ---
>> scipy-central.org/user/profile/scipy-central/"  after "cookbook" on
>> first place,  followed by some mailing list post from Sept-2011 ...
>> and so on ...
> Today, that link is the first hit, probably thanks to the Google juice
> from the scipy.org front page.
> I wonder why the leading hit is not the front page, though. Some
> additional Google-fu is maybe required. The user pages probably should
> have the noindex meta, as they're not so useful to have in search engines.
> --
> Pauli Virtanen

I agree that the SciPy Central site needs more work. I was hoping to
slowly copy/paste the cookbook examples and some of the Topical
Software wiki pages over to the site.

I also agree the site needs to be visually improved.

And, commenting can definitely be added to the site, but it will
require a bit of thought on getting it right, so that it;s useful
(something like StackOverflow, as David mentioned).

However, I've not been able to get around to any of these issues due
to personal time constraints, and will not be able to until May.

So perhaps a good start is if someone would like to get the cookbook
examples copied over. I can share the credentials for the
http://scipy-central.org/user/profile/scipy-central/ user, so that no
one in particular gets credit for these submissions.

Ideas for visual changes to the site can usually be easily tested and
incorporated; while suggestions for a commenting system might best be
handled in a new thread, to keep discussion on track.

Kevin (SciPy Central maintainer)

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