[SciPy-User] Layering a virtualenv over EPD

Andreas H. lists at hilboll.de
Sun Mar 11 04:55:46 EDT 2012

Am 10.03.2012 23:09, schrieb Chris Withers:
> Hi All,
> I hope this is the right list.
> So, here's the problem I'm facing: I use EPD as my base python, but I 
> have a bunch of projects that all have additional dependencies. For 
> example, I may want to use a version of Pandas that's newer than the one 
> that ships with my chosen version of EPD, and add some additional 
> libraries that don't ship with EPD.
> Okay, so I worry that the advice may be "well just install stuff into 
> EPD with pip or easy_install". I don't want to do that, just because I 
> need a newer version of Pandas for one project, doesn't mean I want to 
> have to make sure *all* my projects work with that new version, etc.
> So, I tried to wrap a virtualenv around epd:
> epd-python virtualenv.py mytestenv
> ...and then install new pandas and other stuff:
> mytestenv/bin/python easy_install -U pandas
> ...but now, how would I start ipython using that virutalenv?
> I tried just running "ipython", but of course, that doesn't include the 
> virtualenv.
> I tried activating the virtualenv and then running ipython, but it still 
> doesn't include anything installed in the virtualenv.
> So, how should I do this?
> Chris


I just uploaded a quick log of what I did to accomplish exactly this to


I do have the problem that within the virtualenv, something with the
console's not working right, as iPythons help doesn't work properly, and
I cannot launch applications which open windows (except for ``ipython
pylab=wx``) ...

I hope it still helps ...


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