[SciPy-User] mac os x installation

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at googlemail.com
Thu Jun 7 16:26:36 EDT 2012

On Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 7:15 PM, Harvey <hjgreenberg at gmail.com> wrote:

> I have python 2.6.1 on mac os x and it has numpy.   I downloaded
> scipy...dmg and it wouldn't install, giving msg: scipy 0.10.1 can't be
> installed on this disk.  scipy requires python.org Python 2.6 to
> install.  Does this mean I must install a different version of
> python?  I am concerned with conflicts with my current version,  which
> I installed to run with other python code.  It is not the std os x
> version, but it is not in the default location.  The installer did not
> give me a chance to define its location.  Any help would be
> appreciated.

Your current 2.6.1 is the version installed by OS X itself, which is used
by the OS for some applications. It's better to not modify anything about
it. Installing a new Python from python.org won't interfere with your
system Python, and is as standard as it gets. The
numpy/scipy/matplotlib/... binary installers all work only with the Python
from python.org.

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