[SciPy-User] Gradient inputs to SciPy optimize routines

Robaula helmrp at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 23 11:00:09 EDT 2012


But then, strictly speaking, the gradient inputs to the optimize functions must not return 'array like' values, even though -- in fact, precisely because -- they have to return NumPy arrays.

To me, that seems kinda wacky.

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helmrp at yahoo.com
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On Jul 23, 2012, at 7:39 AM, Sturla Molden <sturla at molden.no> wrote:

> Den 23. juli 2012 kl. 16:36 skrev Sturla Molden <sturla at molden.no>:
>> Den 23. juli 2012 kl. 14:17 skrev The Helmbolds <helmrp at yahoo.com>:
>>> Now, how far is this generalizable? Is it true that _all_ native SciPy routines require numpy arrays as inputs? Is it true that _none_ of the native SciPy routines _ever_ take ordinary Python sequences as input? Is it true that _all_ native SciPy routines return numpy arrays and _never_ an ordinary Python sequence?
>> If the documentation says an argument is "array like" it means it can be "any Python sequence that can be coverted to a NumPy array."
> Or converted ;)
> S.M.
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