[SciPy-User] running script error (eigen symmetric)

Amy Anderson amyla333 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 17 18:22:04 EST 2012

Hi scipy users,

I am trying to run this script in python and the script is now working with
the test data (eigen problem solved) but when I input my own data to be
called by script I got the following errors.

[moriaht-5:~/Desktop/pyClusterROI] moriah% python pyClusterROI_test.py
tcorr connectivity subject2002.nii

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "pyClusterROI_test.py", line 89, in <module>
    make_local_connectivity_tcorr( infiles[i], maskname, outname, 0.5 )
"/Users/moriah/Desktop/pyClusterROI/make_local_connectivity_tcorr.py", line
114, in make_local_connectivity_tcorr
line 44, in __init__
    other = self.__class__( coo_matrix(arg1, shape=shape) )
line 188, in __init__
line 220, in _check
    raise ValueError('row index exceedes matrix dimensions')
ValueError: row index exceedes matrix dimensions

I was wondering if anyone might know what this error might mean or how to
fix it? I do not know what is meant by "row index exceeds matrix
dimensions" as this is the first time I am using scipy to run a script.

On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 11:29 AM, Anderson, Amy <aanderso at med.wayne.edu>wrote:

>  Dear Scipy users,
>  I am a new python and scipy user and I am looking for some help to
> troubleshoot an error I have been getting when trying to run a script in
> python.  The script I am trying to run is called pyCluster ROI and it needs
> python, pynifti, scipy, and numpy to run. I have installed all these
> programs successfully using macports on Mac OS 10.8.
>  I unarchived the scripts and ran the test script getting this error:
> $ python pyClusterROI_test.py****
> Traceback (most recent call last):****
>   File "pyClusterROI_test.py", line 48, in <module>****
>     from make_local_connectivity_scorr import *****
>   File
> "/Users/matthewnye/Downloads/pyClusterROI/make_local_connectivity_scorr.py",
> line 40, in <module>****
>     from scipy.sparse.linalg.eigen.arpack import eigen_symmetric****
> ImportError: cannot import name eigen_symmetric****
>  I have been trying to hunt down what this error may be and it seems that
> older versions of scipy might have used  ‘scipy.sparse.linalg.eigen.arpack.eigen
> symmetric()’  where as new versions it has been renamed as "
> scipy.sparse.linalg.eigen.arpack.eigs()."
>  Does anyone know what might be causing this error or if it is a version
> problem is there any way to get an older version of scipy through macports?
> Also I have considered installing all these modules through a manual
> install but since i am a novice user I did not want to attempt that if
> there was a potentially simpler solution.
>  Any help would be much appreciated!
>  -Amy
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