[SciPy-User] scikits timeseries tofile

Georges Schutz georges.schutz at internet.lu
Tue Sep 27 10:14:17 EDT 2011

On 24/03/2011 11:13, Pierre GM wrote:
> On Mar 24, 2011, at 2:50 AM, Gar Brown wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> While trying to write a timeseries object to file I the following error:
>> File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\scikits\timeseries\tseries.py",
>> line 1527, in tofile
>>     return scipy.io.write_array(fileobject, tmpfiller, **optpars)
>> AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'write_array'
>> I noticed that the scipy.io.write_array function has been deprecated
>> for some time, is there a fix or workaround for avoiding this error. I
>> really like the time series functionality of scikits.timeseries
> Dang. I really need to get back on the scikit... Would you mind filing a ticket ? I'll try to get back to you by next week. Don't hesitate to keep on nudging me till I give you a fix and/or workaround.
> P.

This seems still to be an issue, it is files as ticket 116 but no 
workaround or fix was proposed until know.

I face this problem as I updated scipy last. I suppose others using 
scipy.io may have the same problem. I personally worked around by 
writing an own "tofile-like" method using the numpy.ndarray.tofile method.
I do not want to stress you but:
- Do you have a better workaround for solving the problem?
- Are there plans to fix this ticked in some way in the next release?

G. Schutz

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