[SciPy-User] Basic bandpass filtering/fourier transform of live audio?

Joseph Anderson j.l.anderson at phonecoop.coop
Tue Nov 22 13:43:32 EST 2011

Hello Matthew,

For this application I would strongly consider using a system designed and optimised for real-time DSP.

SuperCollider would be my first choice: http://supercollider.sourceforge.net/

My kind regards,
J Anderson

On 22 Nov 2011, at 5:45 pm, Matthew Arceri wrote:

> I'm a highschool senior working on an engineering project where I'm trying to make a 3D positioning system using microphones. The problem I'm having is that I can't find anyway to filter specific frequencies from a live microphone input. I've found a number of python libraries that seem able to achieve just that but they any examples I find are for far more complicated things. SciPi is the only one with a decent following that could possibly help me. So, to reiterate, I wanted to know how I could choose an audio port and look for a specific frequency being picked up on that port. (I'm using Ubuntu, Python 2.7.1, and the latest version of Numpy + Scipy)
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