[SciPy-User] It is quite confusing to use scipy.spatial.distance

江大伟 zw4131 at gmail.com
Mon May 30 13:32:14 EDT 2011

For a veteran, it may be very easy.

But if the user is a beginner and he does not know much detail of SciPy, he
just wants to computes the distance between two arrays quickly. An uniform
function and an uniform expression would be a good choice.

The SciPy is powerful now. So how to let the user use its powerful functions
more easily and quickly becomes our concern.

2011/5/30 Pauli Virtanen <pav at iki.fi>

> Mon, 30 May 2011 20:26:13 +0800, 江大伟 wrote:
> > Thanks. This is an googd solusion.
> > But it is not the best solusion.
> >
> > Using an uniform function to Computes the distance between
> > any-dimensional array. Scipy.spatial.distance.cdist() is a very good
> > function, and it can be extended to Computes the distance between a
> > vector and a vector as well as between a vector and n vectors. That
> > would be perfect !!.
> I do not understand what you exactly mean. The example I gave does
> exactly what you describe.
> --
> Pauli Virtanen
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