[SciPy-User] Making sweep wave with numpy/scipy

otrov at hush.ai otrov at hush.ai
Tue May 10 08:58:35 EDT 2011

Hello community :)

I hope my question is not too trivial, as I joined just to ask it 
:D but I guess many have answer to it, nonetheless

I can tell Python how to make sine wave file (from examples 
provided elsewhere):

import numpy as np
from scikits.audiolab import Sndfile

s = np.sin(2 * np.pi * 1000/44100 * np.arange(0, 44100 * 2))

f = Sndfile('foo.wav', 'w', 'wav', 2, 44100)


but I have no idea how to make sweep wave, let's say from 10 Hz to 
22 KHz in 10s

Can someone provide solution, please?

Thanks in advance

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