[SciPy-User] Trying hand-writing recognition with scikits.learn

Klonuo Umom klonuo at gmail.com
Sun May 8 02:11:16 EDT 2011

Re-reading what I wrote yesterday may seem un-balanced, but please 
consider that it is not with intend to be disrespectful toward any work 
been made. Also consider that English is not my native language and I 
can't always describe things the way I wanted.

> For me, achieving things like that with Gnuplot would be incredibly
> frustrating. The gnuplot learning curve is steep :)
> For your feedback to be more constructive, it might be good if you also
> provided suggestions on how to improve the situation.
> What do you want to have? Did you read the existing beginner-level
> documentation of Matplotlib (i.e. User's Guide)? If yes, was it useful
> or not? What in the specific example you cite was difficult to do?

It is useful. I have it together with PACKT's 'Matplotlib for Python 
Developers'. Both are useful and web page is just as beautiful as 
useful, showing state of the art structuring - I can find anything I'm 
interested in, in 2 clicks. And I feel terrible complaining about it, 
but that's what happened.

I don't have example data right here, but it was data from 30 
participants divided in 5 bins. I looked at 'table_demo.py' from gallery 
page and 'bars stacked' graph from Chapter 9 in PACKT book. IIRC I 
could not make bars to be presented at 100% each (so all at same overall 
level) instead as appended absolute values, as shown in both examples I 
followed. It sounds trivial but I had problem with 'yoff' IIRC and
getting to know mechanism behind stacked bars, then just left it as I
had to make those plots in time.

I have gnuplot since I know I made my first plot, and that 
could suggest I need to spend more time with matplotlib to gain 
advantage of using advanced plotting library in python code. And that's 
fine as I plan to do that, and I used what I experienced as a prolog to 
my scikits.learn problem. 

> The best place to start would be to read the tutorial part of
> the user guide
> http://scikit-learn.sourceforge.net/tutorial.html
> It seems to explain exactly the example you mention in detail.

Been there. First I thought, that this is too advanced for me and I 
never liked statistics really, but when I saw 'Recognizing hand-written 
digits' I got interested for some reason and went on trying, 
nonetheless. If I open the csv table I see 64 column and many rows 
presented by 0-16 digits. Each row presents image. If I follow link for 
the source from which this table is distilled, it seems it's some data 
based on output from 'WACOM PL-100V pressure sensitive tablet with an 
integrated LCD display and a cordless stylus'. I don't see connection 
between 'http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/pendigits/' 
and '..\scikits\learn\datasets\data\digits.csv.gz'. Or I don't see how 
can I make my test model.


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