[SciPy-User] Image processing class

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at sun.ac.za
Tue Mar 29 18:20:51 EDT 2011

Dear Eric

On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 10:23 PM, Eric Miller <elmiller at ece.tufts.edu> wrote:
> I teach a class in digital image processing in the ECE department at
> Tufts University.  It has a pretty large programming component which has
> been in Matlab.  I am thinking about moving to Python and was wondering
> if anyone else out there has done this?

I've taught from Gonzales & Woods in Python:


This was one of the reasons I started work on the Image Processing scikit:


Unfortunately, that library does not contain nearly all of MATLAB's
image processing functionality yet, but we're working on it (and
welcome contributions and advice!)


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