[SciPy-User] scipy.io.numpyio.fwrite replacement??

Andres Luhamaa andres.luhamaa at ut.ee
Wed Jun 22 11:19:34 EDT 2011

Hi all,
I try to upgrade code from scipy 0.7.2 to 0.9.0 and see that there is no 
more scipy.io.numpyio. I found two similar questions in the archive of 
this list  without a reasonable answer (new in the list, so cannot 
replay to these).
In particular I need scipy.io.numpyio.fwrite and I do not know how to 
replace it with something else. np.save seems to save in double, 
np.lib.format has some options, but nothing seems what I want. As I am 
not using python to read the data file, using some other file format 
like ".npy" or ".npz" is not an option.

To illustrate what I want to get, to those familiar with fortran, the 
write sequence in fortran looks like this:
      open (filenum, file=filename,form='unformatted', &
& access='DIRECT', status='unknown', RECL=lon)
      write (filenum,REC=IREC) data

Any guidance really appreciated,

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