[SciPy-User] Partial Derivative of a 3 dimensional NumPy array

Andreas Hasenkopf webmaster at hasenkopf2000.net
Thu Jun 16 08:01:45 EDT 2011

as part of a little simulation I try to calculate partial derivatives of
a 3D array (dering along of one of the three axes).
My question is: Is there a simple way to do it? Or do I need to iterate
over each 1D subslice of the array and call e.g. scipy.fftpack.diff() on
each of those subslices?

Thanks and CU

Andreas Hasenkopf
Phone: +49 151 11728439
Homepage: http://www.hasenkopf2000.net
GPG Pub Key: http://goo.gl/4mOsM

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