[SciPy-User] Status of TimeSeries SciKit

Gael Varoquaux gael.varoquaux at normalesup.org
Wed Jul 27 10:12:51 EDT 2011

On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 01:06:21PM +0000, Matt Knox wrote:
> Ok, perhaps my statement was a bit harsh :) . But the point I was
> trying to make is that the timeseries module could be dramatically
> simplified and cleaned up internally with some of those forthcoming
> foundational pieces in numpy,

Eventhough I do not know the timeseries module, I wouldn't be surprised
that it is indeed the case. It is probably very valuable if you are able
to identify localized enhancements to numpy that make your life easier,
as they might make many other people's life easier.

> It just so happens that Wes' use cases (from my understanding) are
> basically the same as mine (finance, etc). So from my own selfish point
> of view, the idea of pandas swallowing up the timeseries module and
> incorporating its functionality sounds kind of nice since that would
> give ME (and probably most of the people that work in the finance
> domain)

I think that it is really great if the different packages doing time
series analysis unite. It will probably give better packages technically, 
and there is a lot of value to the community in such work.


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