[SciPy-User] Announcing statsmodels 0.3.0 release

Skipper Seabold jsseabold at gmail.com
Tue Jul 19 10:43:04 EDT 2011

We are happy to announce that statsmodels version 0.3.0 is available
for download. You can install from PyPI with

easy_install -U scikits.statsmodels

What's new?


Documentation: http://statsmodels.sourceforge.net/
Source Distributions: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/scikits.statsmodels
Repository: https://github.com/statsmodels/statsmodels
Mailing List: https://groups.google.com/group/pystatsmodels
Bug Tracker: https://github.com/statsmodels/statsmodels/issues

You can find us on the web at http://blog.wesmckinney.com/ and
http://scipystats.blogspot.com/ or keep up with development on twitter


Josef Perktold, Skipper Seabold, Wes McKinney, Mike Crow, Vincent Davis


Statsmodels is a python package that provides a complement to scipy for
statistical computations including descriptive statistics and
estimation of statistical models.

scikits.statsmodels provides classes and functions for the estimation of
several categories of statistical models. These currently include linear
regression models, OLS, GLS, WLS and GLS with AR(p) errors, generalized
linear models for six distribution families, M-estimators for robust
linear models, and regression with discrete dependent variables, Logit,
Probit, MNLogit, Poisson, based on maximum likelihood estimators,
timeseries models, ARMA, AR and VAR. An extensive list of result statistics
are available for each estimation problem. Statsmodels also contains
descriptive statistics, a wide range of statistical tests, tools for density
estimation, and more.

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