[SciPy-User] Scipy 2011 Convore thread now open

Peter Wang pwang at streamitive.com
Tue Jul 12 16:00:14 EDT 2011

Hi folks,

I have gone ahead and created a Convore group for the SciPy 2011 conference:


I have already created threads for each of the tutorial topics, and
once the conference is underway, we'll create threads for each talk,
so that audience can interact and post questions.  Everyone is welcome
to create topics of their own, in addition to the "official"
conference topics.

For those who are unfamiliar with Convore, it is a cross between a
mailing list and a very souped-up IRC.  It's usable for aynchronous
discussion, but great for realtime, topical chats.  Those of you who
were at PyCon this year probably saw what a wonderful tool Convore
proved to be for a tech conference.  People used it for everything
from BoF planning to dinner coordination to good-natured heckling of
lightning talk speakers.  I'm hoping that it will be used to similarly
good effect for the SciPy


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