[SciPy-User] linalg.decomp code contribution

Pauli Virtanen pav at iki.fi
Thu Jul 7 14:09:05 EDT 2011


On Wed, 06 Jul 2011 11:17:56 -0700, Collin Stocks wrote:
> Over the past several years, there have been various requests for the
> linalg.decomp.qr() function to (optionally) implement qr with pivots. I
> have written a solution which, unfortunately, requires cvxopt, since
> there is no wrapper within scipy for lapack.geqp3(). However, this
> should be an effective starting place for anyone who wants to complete
> the job. If this does eventually end up in scipy, I would appreciate a
> little mention, though! :)

I'd suggest creating an enhancement ticket on the Scipy Trac (if a related
ticket does not already exist), and attaching your code to it:


The reason is that if there is no-one who can spare time to look at this
immediately, then there is a high likelihood that your mail will be lost 
and forgotten in the mailing list traffic.


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