[SciPy-User] Problem with win32com and scikits timeseries

Matt Knox mattknox.ca at gmail.com
Mon Jan 24 14:41:48 EST 2011

Mauro <maubriga <at> gmail.com> writes:

> I am actually using VBA to call and execute python code. I already have a
> pretty neat demo, but without dates, unfortunately.

Oh, I see. Are you doing this by running a python com server on the client?
I played around with that a long time ago, caused me lots of headaches
though :) .

Have you tried calling CoInitialize or CoInitializeEx? (see links below). Not
entirely sure what these do, but apparently they are required in some
situations to use COM in a thread. And if you are running a COM server, it may
be spawning threads, although I don't know for sure.


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