[SciPy-User] how to do easy things in octave with numpy ?

Paweł Kwaśniewski pawel.kw at gmail.com
Mon Jan 17 05:33:51 EST 2011


I'm not an octave user, but I tried to just type in what you wrote here, and
here's what I can tell you:

2011/1/17 MONTAGU Thierry <thierry.montagu at cea.fr>

> Hi all scipy user
> i wonder how to do the following easy thing in octave within a
> python/numpy script.
> in octave:matlab, you instantiate
> a= zeros(10) for example
I see, that the above gives you a 10x10 matrix of zeros. You can have the
same in python doing the following:

from numpy import *
a = zeros((10,10))

> and for example, you can do in one line
> a[2].m = 10
or do
> for i = 1 : length(a)
>      a[i].m = 25;
> end
As for the above, I don't quite understand what you mean -  if I try to type
this as you have given it here, I'm getting a syntax error. Can you explain
what you mean or provide working code? Maybe I need to import some packaged
before? As I said, I'm no octave user...

> How to do this with numpy ? I guess we need to create a python class ?
> any idea ?
> Regards
> --
> Thierry
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