[SciPy-User] bandlimiting sample sequence

cassiope fpm at u.washington.edu
Tue Jan 11 11:21:49 EST 2011

On Jan 11, 2:39 am, Andrew Gaydenko <a... at gaydenko.com> wrote:
> Hi!
> Say, I have given sample rate Fs and a sequence of (soft-generated) samples.
> The aim is to limit band below Fs/2. I mean any limiting params are also given
> (for example, attenuation at 0.9 * Fs/2 is -1db or less, attenuation at Fs/2
> must be -60db or more, gain oscillation in some frequencies range (say, from
> 0Hz to 0.8 * Fs/2) must be in +/-0.01db range.
> Has anybody examples (or references to publically available examples) I can
> take to understand how to band limit a sequence decribed way?
> Andrew

??? Not sure what you're doing.  Once a real process is sampled,
whatever aliasing
that might occur has already happened.  You can't digitally remove
aliased values
unless they occur in a part of the digital spectrum that you aren't
interested in anyway.

Otherwise, it seems as though you're simply designing a filter with a
particular set
of specifications - which is a topic that has been exhaustively
covered in many books.
(Though you haven't said anything regarding FIR vs IIR, for example).

If I'm way off base, perhaps you could clarify your question[s].

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