[SciPy-User] Python and Eclipse

Yury V. Zaytsev yury at shurup.com
Sun Jan 9 18:17:16 EST 2011

On Sun, 2011-01-09 at 17:30 -0500, Nathaniel Polish wrote:

> I would never recommend it to anyone under the age of 40 since IDEs
>  such as Eclipse are better in just about every way.

This is so arguable... Ok, let's not get started on that, at least it is
now clear what did you have in mind when you were asking your question.

The combinations that I've seen people using for SciPy / Numpy:

1) Aptana (= Eclipse + PyDev)
2) PyCharm (= IDEA + Python plugin, commercial)
3) Wingware IDE (commercial)
4) vim / emacs + Python shell
5) Eric, Spyder, other lightweight IDE's

All of them, can be, of course, complimented by ipython -pylab for quick
experimentation. Specific choice is purely a matter of taste / what
makes you personally most productive.

> I was looking for recommendations for development environments that are 
> considered by the community to be "modern".

Well, I personally use PyCharm. I guess I am a very modern guy. Not sure
if it's a compliment though :-) It's paid-for, but if you have ever used
any of the other JetBrains IDE's you can understand why one would want
to pay for it.
Sincerely yours,
Yury V. Zaytsev

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