[SciPy-User] Double integration with integrate.trapz

bhanukiran perabathini bhanukiran.perabathini at gmail.com
Sat Feb 26 13:14:55 EST 2011

Hi all,

- My task is to perform a double integral (with two free variables)
and make a filled-contour plot of the logarithm of its absolute

- I'm kind of sure that the code has no major mistakes. Nevertheless,
I've badly got to accelerate my double-integration algorithm.

- I bet there must be ways to increase the speed substantially. My
guess is that the over use of scipy.vectorize is the culprit.
   Here I'm attaching my code and the integral, any suggestions on how
to improve the speed would be deeply appreciated.

- I've checked out integrate.dblquad and it doesn't seem to handle
complex types easily. But, no matter what, I primary intension is to
improve on the trapz method.

Thanks a tonne for every second of yours,
- Bhanukiran,
IITB, India
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