[SciPy-User] How do I get a more digits fvec value with scipy.optimize.leastsq module

Zufry Malik Ibrahim zufryy at gmail.com
Wed Feb 23 14:45:07 EST 2011

How do I get up to 20 digits fvec value with scipy.optimize.leastsq module ?

So far I just get 9 digit number with this syntax

*plsq,cov,info,msg,success = leastsq(function, x0, args=(), , full_output=1,
warning=True, ftol=1e-06)*
*fvec = info['fvec']*

Thanks for your attention.

*Zufry Malik Ibrahim*
Physics Department
Bandung Institute of Technology , Indonesia
zufryy at gmail.com
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