[SciPy-User] Some interactive Python tutorials on basic stats, possibly useful for teaching

bhanukiran perabathini bhanukiran.perabathini at gmail.com
Mon Feb 14 11:04:05 EST 2011

Hi Rajeev,
Thanks for sharing this stuff.

Sadly I'm having a trouble running these codes on my mac that uses
Python 2.7.1 |EPD 7.0-1 (32-bit)|.

It raises the following warning:
Warning: divide by zero encountered in double_scalars

and nothing happens as I click around on the canvas.

Is there something that I should possibly do to fix this?
Thanks so much,
IIT-B, India.

On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 8:24 PM, Rajeev Raizada
<rajeev.raizada at dartmouth.edu> wrote:
> Dear SciPy folks,
> Those of you whose duties include teaching basic stats
> might be interested in these interactive tutorial files,
> designed to illustrate basic concepts.
> Running the code opens up an interactive figure window.
> When you click on a figure to add new points,
> the statistical tests shown in the figure change accordingly.
> http://www.dartmouth.edu/~raj/intro-stats.html
> The code has lots of comments in it, which attempt to explain the
> concepts as explicitly as possible. No prior knowledge of Python or
> statistics is assumed. These programs require the SciPy and
> Matplotlib modules.
> The tutorials are:
> - interactive_mean_std_normal_distribution.py
> - interactive_one_sample_t_test.py
> - interactive_two_sample_t_test.py
> - interactive_correlation_plot.py
> The same webpage also contains Matlab versions of the scripts.
> Please feel more than free to use any of the code for teaching,
> if you find it useful.
> Yours,
> Rajeev Raizada
> Research Assistant Professor
> Neukom Institute for Computational Science
> Dartmouth College
> HB 6255
> Hanover NH 03755
> Tel: 603 646 0175
> E.mail: rajeev.raizada at dartmouth.edu
> WWW: http://www.dartmouth.edu/~raj
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