[SciPy-User] ndimage.rotate around which anchor point? center?

Samuel John scipy at SamuelJohn.de
Sun Feb 13 09:43:20 EST 2011

Hi all,

I have a quick question to ndimage.rotate (in scipy 0.9):

What is the point around which is rotated? I guess it is something
like the center (h/2,w/2) of the image. There is nothing in the
docstring about this.
However, I need to define the point, around which is rotated (in my
case the point is ndimage.center_of_mass(myImage)[0:2] for an RGBA

I really like the fact, that ndimage.rotate and ndimage.zoom return
the array such that nothing is cropped.

Any idea?
Other suggestions are also welcome!

thanks in advance,

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