[SciPy-User] manifold learning tools?

Matthieu Brucher matthieu.brucher at gmail.com
Thu Feb 10 17:14:56 EST 2011


The code for LLE (I think this one has a bug), Isomap, Diffusion maps, ...
is available in the first release of scikits.learn. You may also find it in
some branches of the project, mainly Fabian or Alexandre's manifold-light
(with a fixed LLE, but no Isomap). I don't have time to finish the port to
the current scikit's API, and it takes too long to have something like it
integrated anyway.


2011/2/10 Zachary Pincus <zachary.pincus at yale.edu>

> Hello,
> In googling around for manifold learning tools in python
> (specifically, diffusion maps a la Lafon and Coifman), I see a couple
> references on Stéfan and Matthieu's web pages, but I'm not sure if
> anyone has released anything.
> Do you two, or does anyone else, know of any code out there for the
> basic techniques (isomap / LLE / diffusion maps / etc...)?
> No big problem to re-implement... but if the code's already written,
> I'd start with that!
> Thanks a ton!
> Zach
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Information System Engineer, Ph.D.
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