[SciPy-User] sparse array with ndim=3 or 4 ...

Jerome Kieffer jerome.kieffer at esrf.fr
Mon Dec 26 12:35:18 EST 2011

Dear Scipy users,

I wonder if there is way to handle sparse nd-arrays ? 
I am looking for 3D and 4D arrays to store coeficients for geometric transformation 2D -> 1D or 2D -> 2D, 
with typical shape (4000x4000)x(2000x500).
My idea is to contruct the array from cython (what is the time consuming part) than re-use it many times (with something similar to a scalar product.

scipy.sparse seems limited to matrices (i.e 2D-array) is this true ? Flattening each array would be possible but there is probably a better solution... Thanks 

Seasons greatings
Jerome Kieffer <jerome.kieffer at esrf.fr>
Online Data Analysis / SoftGroup

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