[SciPy-User] [ANN] Nitime version 0.3

Ariel Rokem arokem at gmail.com
Thu Aug 18 12:58:19 EDT 2011

I am happy to announce the release of version 0.3 of nitime.

Nitime, a member of the nipy family (http://nipy.org), is a software
library for the analysis of time-series from neuroscience experiments.

To read the online documentation, visit: http://nipy.org/nitime/

To download the source code, visit: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/nitime

Version 0.3 of nitime includes several additions and improvements,
including new analysis methods (MAR process estimation, Granger
'causality', seed correlation analysis, filtering), improvements to
the API (slicing with epochs), many bug fixes, a dramatic increase in
test coverage and many new examples

To read the full release notes and see the list of contributors to
this release, visit: http://nipy.org/nitime/whatsnew/version0.3.html

On behalf of the nitime developers,

Ariel Rokem

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