[SciPy-User] Enthought Python Distribution questions

Chris Withers chris at simplistix.co.uk
Thu Aug 18 10:26:09 EDT 2011

Hi All,

A couple of questions about EPD, if this is the wrong list, please point 
me at the right one:

- How can I install EPD in such a way that it leaves my system python 
completely alone? I installed it on my Mac and suddenly I have Python 
2.7 with all the libraries everywhere, which isn't what I want :-S
I'm now too petrified to try and install EPD on any of my Debian, Red 
Hat or Ubuntu servers in case the same thing is done there, which would 
have much more catastrophic consequences.

I'm looking for something akin to 'make altinstall' for CPython, I'd 
love to be able to get a python-epd-x.y.z in the same way that gives me 
just a pythonx.y.

- Once I have EPD installed, where can I find all the documentation for 
the included packages? I spend a lot of time working on trains and 
planes, and having the docs available offline would be extremely useful :-)



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