[SciPy-User] ANN: scikit.datasmooth 0.6.1

Jonathan Stickel jjstickel at vcn.com
Wed Apr 13 16:55:09 EDT 2011

The scikit "datasmooth" has been updated to version 0.6.1.  The primary 
purpose of this release is the addition of html documentation (generated 
by pydoc) and examples.  Other notable changes can be found in the NEWS 

A source distribution can be found at:


and the development tree is on github:


This scikit is intended to include numerical methods for smoothing data 
that are not yet in scipy.  Currently, only a regularization method for 
smoothing 1-D (y vs. x) data is included, for which cross-validation for 
determining the optimization parameter has been implemented. 
Constrained smoothing is also available but requires the cvxopt package.

Comments and questions are welcome, as well as contributions of other 
smoothing methods.


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