[SciPy-User] genfromtxt but I need to search file first

Ben Harrison ben.harrison at liquidmesh.com
Mon Apr 11 09:52:22 EDT 2011

Hi, I'm processing a bunch of text files with headers. The header is many
lines long, may be 43 lines, may be 42, maybe something else. The last line
of the header is always :

~ASCII section

After this there are columns of data that I want to load via genfromtxt
(mainly to strip leading spaces, and to load directly into an array).
Thing is, genfromtxt already loops twice through each file, so adding a bit
of code like this:

infile = open("my_text.txt","r")
text = infile.read()

means the file is read 3 times.

Is there another way? I'm new to python.

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