[SciPy-User] (pas de sujet)

midel midel at sfr.fr
Fri Apr 1 08:00:54 EDT 2011

Hi everybody,

I began using scipy a few days ago and I think a long story between us is beginning ;) I come from the Matlab/Scilab world and I have no big problem using SciPy.

Well, in fact, I have one problem, that is why I come here ! I will try to explain.

I have a main program in one file "verif.py" and I want it to import functions that i have defined in another file "fonctions.py". I import Scipy in the main program but I also need the scipy functions to be available in the functions and do not manage to do so.

The main verif.py program is :

      from scipy import *
      from fonction import truc
      print b

fonction.py is :

      from scipy import *

      def truc(machin):
            return A 

Under iPython, when I do :

      run verif.py

I get an error pointing to truc(machin):

      NameError: global name 'array' is not defined
      WARNING: failure executing file: <verif.py>

I have no error running

      run fonction.py

Which seems normal as I explicitely import scipy.

Of course I have no error if I put the function in the same file as the main code :

      from scipy import *
      def truc(machin):
            return A

      print b

runs errorless.

The most mysterious thing is that sometimes I have no error even using two separate files, but I don't see why...

Well, I am convinced that I miss something important and basic... I am lost.


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