[SciPy-User] Central File Exchange for SciPy

Filipe Pires Alvarenga Fernandes ocefpaf at gmail.com
Sat Oct 30 17:43:32 EDT 2010

On Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 15:00, Almar Klein <almar.klein at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I would strongly recommend (to users) that all shorter code, snippets
>> and recipes, are BSD by default or made explicit by the user, and that
>> the license is very easy to see on the web page.
>> Given that we are writing BSD code and to avoid any conflicts, I
>> essentially ignore all non-BSD code, for example on the matlab file
>> exchange.
> Hear hear! Since most Python code is BSD licensed, a module/package using
> non-BSD compatible license (for example GLP) would be incompatible with,
> well almost all Python code. This may sound trivial, but I, for one, did not
> fully understand this until someone explained it.
> I would even go so far as to force a BSD license for all code hosted on the
> site itself. Referenced code can then still choose a license. At the very
> least there should be a proper explanation that people should chose the BSD
> license in most cases, and *why*.

Well even the "original" file exchange ended up forcing BSD licensing:


To me that's the first limitation for considering Pypi similar to a
possible file exchange.
Don't get me wring, I'm a big fan of Pypi, but it is far more complex
than a file exchange (That's the second limitation).

>   Almar

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