[SciPy-User] Central File Exchange for SciPy

Matthew Brett matthew.brett at gmail.com
Sat Oct 30 08:15:06 EDT 2010


>> Or if it doesn't fit put it somewhere and
>> link it from http://www.scipy.org/Topical_Software
> That means buiding software packages, which is also more work than simply
> dumping code on a webpage.

It's probably worth pointing out that most Matlab utilities are Matlab
only (no extensions), and the code dumped is usually just an archive
that you unpack somewhere and put on your Matlab path.

That's the rough equivalent of a python package that is pure python,
and for which the install method is copying or linking the <mypackage>
directory into some directory on your python path.

I can imagine something like a 'snippet' distribution format, which is
just a README file, and the <mypackage> directory.  Obviously if
someone wanted to be more pypi about the whole thing, that would be
easy too.

See y'all,


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