[SciPy-User] Numpy pickle format

Francesc Alted faltet at pytables.org
Mon Nov 29 11:04:14 EST 2010

A Monday 29 November 2010 15:09:30 Robert Kern escrigué:
> Rather than "adapting the format" per se, just wrap your format
> around it. Send a message containing the version number of your
> blocked format, the number of header blocks, the number of data
> blocks, and any information about the compression of the data. Then
> send the NPY header in its own message. Then start send the possibly
> compressed data messages.

Well, I was thinking basically in extending NPY for incorporating 
compression information, but your approach is feasible too (although it 
requires sending one additional message).  Which advantage would have 
your suggestion?

Francesc Alted

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